Parisienne Wanderings Part II

March 22, 2018


Jacqueline Anne is a Halifax Wedding Photographer, specialized in capturing life's celebrations. She is based in Nova Scotia and works with wedding planners across Canada and beyond.


From Trocadero to Notre Dame, to Au Vieux Paris and Marais, I love Paris. It is one of those beautiful places where accordions play in the streets and serenade your wanderings. There’s nothing I enjoy more than travelling and taking my trusty 35mm with me. Enjoy these film images captured on Canon 1v with Porta 160 and scanned by Carmencita Film Lab.

Locations Featured:
Musee Du Louvre
Notre Dame
Jardin des Tuileries
Saint Germain
Chateau Barthelemy
Place du Carrousel
Pont des Arts
Rue de la Bûcherie
The Ritz Paris
Place Vendôme